Pocky & Rocky

Level select:
Hold X + Y and press A(4), B(4), A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B at the character selection screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Level Password
Hint: Extra life:
Defeat the Boss at the end of level 1. He will drop his bowl, which will begin to bounce. Press B to swing (in the default configuration) and hit the bowl. A pink cat will appear and drop an extra life. This must be done quickly to allow enough time for the cat to drop the extra life, before level two begins.

Hint: Power-ups:
The first two levels contain a special opponent that cause extra power-ups and items to appear when defeated. On level 1, shoot the frog on the lily pad in the dark section of the level. On level 2, defeat the bomb-throwing opponent on the top of the boat that attacks while your character is on the log raft.